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[类别:酒店英语] [更新:05-03 22:22:29] [浏览:6371 次]

Thank you very much, Sir. Do come again, Please!
151、(意外)请不要慌,请跟我来。 Don’t hurry! Follow me, Please.
152、本俱乐部通宵营业 Open all night.
153、离席时请在帐台会帐 Please pay at the cash desk on leaving.
154、服务员,请拿帐单来! Waiter,bill,Please!
155、请把我的帐单开好。 Please make out my bill.
156、一共多少钱? What will it be altogether?
Eight hundred and fifty-three RMB. Sir.
158、请收钱。 There you are.
159、谢谢,先生。 Thank you, Sir.
160、找的钱请收下。 Keep the change please!
161、先生,谢谢您,请下次再来。 Thank you, Sir. Do come again Please.
162、对不起,先生,算错了帐 Sorry, Sir, there’s mistake in the bill.
163、你多付了30元钱。 It should be 30(thirty) RMB yuan less.
164、每位40元,酒水另计 40(Forty)yuan a plate, drink extra.
165、再见 Good-bye
166、再见 See you
167、谢谢光临,再见。 Thank you for your coming and good-bye.
168、再见,祝您好运。 Good-bye and good luck.
169、祝您旅途平安。 Have a pleasant journey.
170、希望再一次见到您。 Hope to see you again.
What’s the show we’re going to see tonight?
It’s“Rainbow Costume Dance”,a signature dance of the tang era.
It’s special holiday program performed by the Shaanxi Provincial Song and Dance Troupe.
174、您喜欢这个舞蹈吗? How did you like the dancing?
175、您认为这个舞蹈怎么样? What did you think of the dancing?
176、好极了! I enjoyed every bit of it.
177、这个节目从头到尾我都很欣赏 I enjoyed every minute of it.
178、我认为布景服装都精彩极了。 I find the sets and costumes splendid.
I thought the whole thing was first-rate from beginning to end.


Lighting and background music were used and the stage was very beautiful.
181、非常有趣而动人! I was very interesting and thrilling!
But what a magnificent spectacle! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
What’s the show we’ re going to see tonight?
It’s Huaxia music and dance, It’s Chnese traditional music and dance.
185、请领我到座位上去,好吗? Will you show me to my seat?
186、请这边走。 This way, please.
187、什么时候开演? When does the curtain rise?
188、8点左右。 It’s about 8 o’ clock.
189、什么时候演完? When does the curtain fall?
190、10点左右。 It should be 10 o’ clock.
191、您觉得演得怎么样? What do you think of it?
192、精彩极了。 It was marvelous.
193、没关系。 Not at all.
194、不用谢(别客气) You are welcome
195、您太客气了。 You are most wlcome
196、没关系,好的。 That’ s all right.
197、我很乐意做。 It’s my pleasure.
198、我很乐意。 My pleasure.
199、我很乐意为您服务。 I’m pleased to be at your service.
Could you give me some idea of the amount of tipping?
201、我得给多少小费? How much do I have to give for a tip?
202、谢谢,我们不收小费。 No, thanks, we don’t accept tips.
203、先生,对不起。 I’m sorry, Sir.
204、夫人,很抱歉。 I’m awfully sorry, Madam.
I’m afraid I spilled wine on the tablecloth.
I’m sorry for giving you the wrong dish.
207、对不起。 Sorry
208、请原谅。 Excuse me.
209、请原谅,请再说一遍。 I beg your pardon.
210、别介意。 Never mind.
211、别介意。 Just forget it.
212、请原谅,打搅您了。 Excuse me for interrupting you
213、当然,请说。 Certainly, Go ahead.
214、希望您别介意。 Hope you don’t mind.
215、先生,可以走开一会儿吗? May I be Excused, Sir?
216、我马上回来。 I’ll be right back.
I’m sorry, I want to make a phone call.
218、请吧。 That’s all right.
219、电话在哪儿? Where is the phone?
220、在接待台。 On the reception, please.
221、您的英语很流利。 You speak fluent English.
Thank you. My English is not enough.
223、您的英语说的确实很好。 You do speak pretty good English.
224、谢谢,太好了。 Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
225、希望您在中国过的愉快。 Have a good time in China.

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